Count Me In

A trailblazer’s triumph in a world not built for her

Discover what is holding you back from the career you were meant to have, the promotion you didn’t receive, and the risk you were afraid to accept.

Count Me In is the memoir of the trailblazer, Susan Allen—a global leader and one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women.

She shares her deeply personal and professional leadership journey (including all her wrong turns), answering the question she’s heard the most from young women: 

“How did you do it?” 

If you feel stuck in the talent pipeline at your company, suffer from imposter syndrome or perfectionism, or wish to achieve better work-life balance, Count Me In is for you. 

Proceeds from this book are being donated to support pediatric cardiology needs in Toronto and a scholarship for young women pursuing STEM programs at UTM.

Susan’s journey to the top gives professional women the opportunity to learn strategies to:

  • ask for a promotion and accept you have earned it, 

  • avoid risk averse behaviours that limit your growth and potential, 

  • acknowledge and kick mom guilt to the curb, and

  • overcome life’s inevitable setbacks.  

Count Me In (prologue excerpt)

“If you think racing to attain lofty goals and achievements before other women was an intrinsic goal of mine, you’d be dead wrong…My life took a number of twists and roundabouts, and I even slammed into a wall or two along the way…I want to make your journey easier than it was for me, and while my experiences have been told through my own personal lens, they will have meaning for you. You will relate to my personal truths…Prepare to feel seen and heard. Prepare to feel like you are not alone. Count yourselves in. And count me in for the ride.”